Thursday, June 2, 2011
Playing Catch Up!!
Well well well where do we begin I guess May 19th. I had my regular check up at 9:30. We all took bets on how much the babies weighed for the excitement at this appointment. Brant and Blain weighed in at 1 lb 12 oz at this appt and all went well. Dr. Carlton had discussed taking me off of work because of the carpal tunnel causing more damage to the nerves in my hands from using them at work all day. However I got out of that one!! Yay! Tuesday night when i laid down for bed, I was having some pains in my belly like every 2 hours it felt like a constant charlie horse that wouldn't go away. I tried sitting up in the bed and it helped a little but when i stood on my feet it was resolved. I was not about to sleep standing up all night. HA! I was really thirsty that night i think i ended up counting 7 bottles of water i had drank that night. These pains lasted for the whole night 8 hours!! I was miserable but didn't think it was anything maybe a little bit of braxton hicks i had heard I woke up wed morning (May 25) and got in the bathtub to try and get some relief. The warm water felt so good on my belly. I called my mother in law and told her i was going in to work but didn't get good rest and was having some pains to send someone to work for me that day, however i made a couple of other phone calls and they had other plans for me. I went to Dr. Carltons office where I seen the APN Mandy and my bp was really high and it seemed as if i was having a few contractions!! WOOAh! Way to early for these babies to be coming out! They done a swab on me called a fetal fibornectic which was the see if I would deliever in the next two weeks and sent me over to the OB for observation. I stayed there from 9-1:30. I learned my results were negative yay!! Dr. Carlton come in and put me on complete Bed Rest and i was told to f/u in 1 wk!!! Now we are at May 31st at my f/u appointment, We got to see our little boys on ultrasound and they weighed are u ready.... 2 lbs 5 oz!!! w0W!! maybe rest is what they needed! They having been enjoying mommy being on bed rest! I just thought they moved a lot during the day while i was working. They both move all day long and all night it's so sweet! So at this appt the babies had both flipped and were head down ready for delivery. I seen Dr. Carlton and she took me off work for the rest of the pregnancy and said we needed to keep babies in for at least 6 more weeks!! I want to keep them in for at least 9-10!! So now i'm confined to my house/couch/bed for the remaining time! I guess my body is really exhausted or it's that i have nothing else to do because i go to bed at 930 10 and i don't wake up until 1030 or so everyday. It's nice but feels strange being so worthless! HA! So Here we are June 1st and it's time for my fetal echo at UAMS. I've been trying to get to this appt for about 2 months now!!! So my appt is at 9 in little rock! I was not going to keep this appointment since the genetics counselor told us everything looked good with the hearts but because we are having trouble I thought I might as well go incase I deliver early, we will know they don't have heart trouble and place them under even more stress. I'm so glad we went because we got lots of pictures even 4d!! pix to come later I can only sit at the computer for so long. Brant likes to show out and doesn't like to share the spotlight of u/s with Blain poor guy! Both boys are growing great and up on task as a baby of a single pregnancy! yay!! this is great news! i HOPE i'm able to carry them for 10 more weeks and deliever 6lb babies!! please please please!! So now that is all the medical business We had my shower May 22nd and thank God we done it early because bed rest came shortly after!! I had a fantastic shower A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE!!! Who brought gifts for the boys!! You have no idea who much we appreciate it!!! We have a lot of people who care and love us and it was great to see most of them at the shower!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Better Late than Never...
Alright here we are May 6th. I've been to the doctor twice now since my last post. One was just for the special ultrasound on the spines and everything went well!! YAY!!! The next was a routine appt on APril 28th that went good also!! Now I am 6 months and feeling pregnant!! I have developed carpal tunnel and it's so horrible I would not even wish this on my worse enemy! I'm miserable! I have tried accupressure... didn't work, popping the neck and wrists.. didn't work... sleeping in braces.. nope nothing is going to solve this issue except pushing 2 kids out! What else is new... I got a perm bc in the mornings I can barely brush my teeth much less hold a blow dryer and a round brush for 45 mins to blow dry this mop! I have been feeling the babies move like crazy!! It's so amazing and weird... at the same time. Oh yea at my appt Dr. Carlton brought it to my attention that I had a little more of a weight gain last month so that puts me weighing in around 145... give or take a few pounds who's counting.. baha!! I have gained 20 lbs so far I dont think thats half bad.. 20 lbs in 6 months and 2 babies... At my appt we also learned the babies were weighing in at almost 1lb and 1/2 each!! WOW huh!! I go back to the doctor May 19th so we shall see how big they are! My shower is also going to be this month May 22nd! WOOHOO Bring on the GOODIES!! Thanks to my good friends I have a furnished room with 2 baby beds 1 changing table a closet and dresser full of clothes and socks and blankets! Thank God for wonderful Friends!! I love yall!! Tank is slowly adjusting to the outside world.. He likes to stay out during the day but the night time is a different story! What can I say he's scared of the dark like his momma! It's a scary world out there at night all kinds of noises!! So he's been coming in at night and right back out in the am. We were thinking about getting him a playmate for outside but are still kind of indecivive about what to get or if we should... Okay enuff about tank now back to me... Hello! So you all warned me about the rude comments I would get while growing... So heres a few just to fill you in I was walking to the Dollar Store and the lady working there said oh wow your finally showing, my response was... yup been showin for a while now... she proceeds to say your 6 months and that small wow your babies must be really unhealthy!! WHOA WTF!! My reply.... Excuse you but my babies are perfectly healthy weighing above average right now and you can keep your effin(except I spit out the real word) comments to yourself you can't say anything nice! OHHHH I was sooo mad!! I stormed in and right out of the dollar store!! I couldn't believe she said that! This was one of my moments where I should have thought before I spoke but nah no time for that! She needed to know what was on my mind since she didn't seem to care how I felt. HA! I bet she doesn't say anything else hateful to me! BAHA! Oh and I didn't send her a shower invite! Haha!! What else.. a lady comes to my clinic and says oh lets see that belly I stand up, her facial expression and words were wow........(long pause) Are those babies okay..? Your not very big.. Is everything ok..? My response was everythings fine.... with a smurk on my face! PEOPLE!!! Just because i'm not a fat ass doesn't mean i'm unhealthy!! HELLO! I have gained 20 lbs and if youve seen me lately it's all belly well an a little booty but mostly belly!! I'm gonna go off the handle and slap somebody so keep your rude comments to yourself unless you wanna know how i really feel! I wanted to say well my doctor scolded me for gaining 20 and you say i'm unhealthy.. Good thing u don't know anything about being preg with twins! UGGG!! People drive me crazy! Ok yall can just imagine some of the other comments i've received! I shall stop my blood pressure is rising! Ok well I guess you will hear from me after my next Dr. Appt.. Hope yall enjoy reading still...
Monday, April 4, 2011
19 Week Appointment
I'm a little late updating my blog! Our appointment was Thursday March 31 and today is April 4 and i'm just getting here! I apologize now to my followers/creepers. This appointment was just a regular OB appt with an ultrasound and check up with the Dr. Everything went fine at this appt. However the next appt is the stressful one! Soo whats been going on since you last read... I'm getting fatter.. a given i suppose and I weighed in at 138. That's only 11 lbs gained in 5 months not bad for carrying two babies. Brant (baby a) weighed in at 10 oz and Blain (baby b) weighed in at 9 oz. Their little femurs measured 19 wks 0 days on both babies and their bellies measured 19 wks 4 days!! HA!! We've got some fattys headed our way. I must be doing something right! That was great news. Umm.. you are probably wondering how I know who baby a and baby b are right?? Well Let me tell ya a short story... Niecy went to Panama for Spring Break and come back with Bibs!! Cute right.... Well she insisted Baby A be Brant and Baby b be Blain b/c thats what she had air brushed on the Bibs! Guess it's a good thing I didn't want them to be in alphabetical order b/c I was thinking Baby A would be Blain and Baby B would be Brant.. But guess it'll be the other way around. Umm.. what else has changed..? I have been able to feel the babies move but not as much as I thought it would be by now. I figured that they would be kicking away. All I feel now is heaviness. I can feel when they change positions and feel their little hard bodies press against my skin but thats about it. Hopefully they'll start moving soon! And then i'll be praying they take it easy on me I know! I try to jump start them sometimes by giving them Mountain "Due" as the Moores sign has it spelled! HA Makes me laugh everytime! Well I gues that's it for now I will let you all know how my appt April 18th goes!! Thanks for following us!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Latest News
From my last appointment I was 1 day shy of getting labs so I got the labs done and got the results this week. In the beginning, I was warned that my labs may not be as accurate as the labs from a normal pregnancy because of the twin situation. There are not as many odds to check my labs with since most women concieve once child at a time vs 2. This week has been a little stressful and the added news from my labs didn't help much. I learned first that I was O- and going to have to receive a rhogam injection, which scared me at first then I learned there were several people who were O- and everything would be okay. Then, I learned that they came back positive for spina bifida. Which if you're not real certain what that is here is a definition. Spina bifida is caused by the failure of the neural tube to close during embryonic development. The neural tube is the embryonal structure that gives rise to the brain and spinal cord. This means one or both of our babies could have this. I am scheduled for a 2-D ultrasound April 18th. However good news is I get to go back on March 31st and see our little boys progress and get a closer look at their spinal cords before we go to the other u/s. Normally for the 2-D I would have to go to UAMS but thanks to the wonderful girls at Dr. Carltons office they worked me a miracle and I get to stay here. I'm hoping for the best results from the u/s but we shall see. If God wants us to have a baby or babies with this defect so be it. We'll love them anyway they are!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
15 Week Appt
Alright gonna try something new with the blog this time let me know if ya like this. You can just leave a little comment below. Here I am at 15 Weeks at this appt we learned that we are having two boys!!
Before I got Pregnant I weighed 127 and now i'm at 131.!! Yay keeping the weight gain at a small for now. I have been feeling the little guys move around like crazy I'm just ready to feel them on the outside! When that day come i'm sure i'll be changing my mind because the will be under my ribs and all over my bladder. Dr. Appt went well this time so I hope the same for my next appt.
Before I got Pregnant I weighed 127 and now i'm at 131.!! Yay keeping the weight gain at a small for now. I have been feeling the little guys move around like crazy I'm just ready to feel them on the outside! When that day come i'm sure i'll be changing my mind because the will be under my ribs and all over my bladder. Dr. Appt went well this time so I hope the same for my next appt.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Feb 24, 2011 First Bitch Fest I'm sure there's more to come
Hmm... I don't go to my next baby appointment until March 3rd Next Thursday and I absolutely cannot wait!!! For one i'm ready to see how big my babies have grown and second I hope we can see little boy or girl parts!! Maybe at 15 weeks 1 day! Ha gotta throw that day in there we will be able to tell. Sooo... This week has been pretty stressful for me! Brandon had to go to Mexico to work and should be back Saturday. Alone i've been all week and you wanna know the thought that crosses my mind every night when I lay down...? I hope no1 breaks in because I would hate to have to call my husband and tell him when he gets home he's gotta patch a hole in the wall. Speaking about someone creeping around my house the dogs were barking like crazy so I had to go out in the rain with my 243 and make sure everything was ok the last time this happened I freaked out and shot at a cat that was messing around on my deck. HA I know funny story for you cat lovers, I didn't kill it or wound it for that matter. I was aiming high for a person not an animal! Bahaa! Daddy taught me right, I guess there is Thida in my blood afterall! So back to this baby business I've been feeling them move around in the mornings and late at night when I finally get to sit still. It's so exciting and my belly is growing fast way faster than I ever imagined! This is off the subject but I just turned on my itunes and all I have to listen to is Country and I'm ready to throw my speakers! Country is so BLAH!! Leave your husband cheat with your neighbor someone killed your dog and at the end of the day you realize your life sux! At least in a rap song they sing it fast so you kind of understand the words but don't give a shit because it was fun to dance too! HA! Back on track umm.. I'm feeling really testy... but I think i've always been this way and pregnancy seems to give me an extra excuse to be a bitch... Maybe that's what it is.... Example a while back before I knew I was prego... nevermind too long of a story!! Lots of toes to step on but when did I start worryin about that. Oh yea when I learned I was having twins and was going to need friends to come to my shower!! BAHA~!~ You know that made you laugh even if it pissed you off. HA i'm laughing out loud right now. Too bad if you dont like me or if I don't like you, you either won't get an invite or you won't expect one. And prolly the people who dn't expect shouldn't be reading my blog unless they are creepers like I am on facebook! HA! Hey they had to accept and want to be my friend so technically it's not creeping it's just called checking in and keeping up. Brandon gets on to me all the time. But hey if people didn't want it to be known they shouldn't post it for the world to read. I"m really just blabbing because i'm bored, listening to country because there's nothing else to listen to, got american idol draggin on in the background and tank snoring, and wonderig when i'm going to get to talk to my Husband! It's currently 8:16 and seems like the longest day ever! Today I woke up with a head cold and its getting old real quick! Dn't worry for all you that are protective of me during pregnancy I made sure I could take tylenol cold med b4 I swallowed the pills! Well I guess that's it for now i'll actually post about the baby and not a bitch fest next week.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
Hello Everyone! It's so hard getting started on here. Hope everyone has enjoyed my blog so far. I have heard several people ask when you write again? So It's been a few days since my last blog and a few changes. I uploaded a new pic of the new belly so we shall watch me grow!!! Growing fast. I woke up this morning and it felt as if my belly was sticking out another foot. Ummm... Since I wrote last I have invested in me some jeggings which are now will be all I wear until I can really fit in maternity stuff. Right now it's just looks like I have a fat belly and want to wear maternity clothes. HA! So i'll stick to jeggings and cute shirts until then. No more word on 3 babies besides people teasing. Hooray! Can't wait to hear what the next rumor is I forgot what being in the spotlight felt like. BAHA!! Have a kid it's like high school all over again.. Anyone agree?
So i've been really tired lately but today I woke up with a burst of energy. Thanks to a phone call, I woke up at about 7:20 on this beautiful Sunday and started cleaning house early. I had so much energy today it was scary. So here's what I accomplished today, I bleached my fridgerator. I took all the shelves out and all the condiments in the door and bleached the trays and threw away lots of junk. 1 whole garbage bag full of crap! So now my fridge is sparkling clean or "farkley" if you ask adrian. Had to put that I think of him when I say sparkley. The smell of a good clean bleached fridge is great! So all I have in there now is cheese, milk, beer, and pickled okra! Ha! Sounds like I need to go buy some groceries. HAHA I just had to go look again because it makes me laugh how bare it is. Oh wait and water can't forget the water. That took all about 30 minutes because I was like a dope head after a good fix...HA yea i was cleaning fast! I swept my floor, however I did not mop although my floor needs it again so any volunteers... You know where I live...! **HINT HINT** Umm.. I did all the laundry and if anyone knows how I do laundry today was alot! I hate Laundry! Ne who I scrubbed the base boards, windexed the windows cleaned the blinds, bleach and vinegared my furniture from tank smell and dirt deviled (the hand one) my window seals... Pretty productive I'd say. OH yea and when brandon got home I made or asked him to rearrange the spare bedroom so I could move the computer and some other things in here to make the baby room look more like a baby room vs a room full of shit with a baby bed in the corner. HA! He wasn't happy I heard! "I work all damn day and then have to come home and work all damned night". My response, Your such a good husband Bless Your Heart! Wait till these babies get here then tell me about some work all day and come home and work all night... HA! Grouch!
So here's a baby update if your interested... Ha I have a hard time keeping on track. So baby update is I want all the fruit you can think of! fresh and room temp please. I really like plums and nectarines and fresh pineapple.
This morning I think I felt the babies moving. I had a full bladder and it was so nice in my bed so I rolled over and I swear it felt like they were having a boxing match or something. It was really neat but kind of weird at the same time. This was no butterflies.. and I thought well maybe it's gas so I waited for the fart or the burp and nothing came so I assumed that it was the babies. I can only really feel them when I'm laying on my back and have a full bladder. I've felt them twice so far. If that's really what it is. So I guess that's it and We have 19 more days till my 15 wk appt!!! Hopefully we will find out what these little babies are so I can address them properly and not with babies or them. I would begin to get a complex too. Ha! Well I guess i'm going to hit the bed early since I got an early start. Thanks Jess for a productive day! HA!
So i've been really tired lately but today I woke up with a burst of energy. Thanks to a phone call, I woke up at about 7:20 on this beautiful Sunday and started cleaning house early. I had so much energy today it was scary. So here's what I accomplished today, I bleached my fridgerator. I took all the shelves out and all the condiments in the door and bleached the trays and threw away lots of junk. 1 whole garbage bag full of crap! So now my fridge is sparkling clean or "farkley" if you ask adrian. Had to put that I think of him when I say sparkley. The smell of a good clean bleached fridge is great! So all I have in there now is cheese, milk, beer, and pickled okra! Ha! Sounds like I need to go buy some groceries. HAHA I just had to go look again because it makes me laugh how bare it is. Oh wait and water can't forget the water. That took all about 30 minutes because I was like a dope head after a good fix...HA yea i was cleaning fast! I swept my floor, however I did not mop although my floor needs it again so any volunteers... You know where I live...! **HINT HINT** Umm.. I did all the laundry and if anyone knows how I do laundry today was alot! I hate Laundry! Ne who I scrubbed the base boards, windexed the windows cleaned the blinds, bleach and vinegared my furniture from tank smell and dirt deviled (the hand one) my window seals... Pretty productive I'd say. OH yea and when brandon got home I made or asked him to rearrange the spare bedroom so I could move the computer and some other things in here to make the baby room look more like a baby room vs a room full of shit with a baby bed in the corner. HA! He wasn't happy I heard! "I work all damn day and then have to come home and work all damned night". My response, Your such a good husband Bless Your Heart! Wait till these babies get here then tell me about some work all day and come home and work all night... HA! Grouch!
So here's a baby update if your interested... Ha I have a hard time keeping on track. So baby update is I want all the fruit you can think of! fresh and room temp please. I really like plums and nectarines and fresh pineapple.
This morning I think I felt the babies moving. I had a full bladder and it was so nice in my bed so I rolled over and I swear it felt like they were having a boxing match or something. It was really neat but kind of weird at the same time. This was no butterflies.. and I thought well maybe it's gas so I waited for the fart or the burp and nothing came so I assumed that it was the babies. I can only really feel them when I'm laying on my back and have a full bladder. I've felt them twice so far. If that's really what it is. So I guess that's it and We have 19 more days till my 15 wk appt!!! Hopefully we will find out what these little babies are so I can address them properly and not with babies or them. I would begin to get a complex too. Ha! Well I guess i'm going to hit the bed early since I got an early start. Thanks Jess for a productive day! HA!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feb 1, 2011 Dr Appointment
Hello again gotta get caught up on blogging so I can only blog when theres a change or the next dr. appt. Feb 1st we went to my 2nd appointment. Theres always going to be a room full so I guess I will list because it changes from time to time. This appt it was Me, Brandon, Brandy, and My Grandma(Ginger). Mom had the flu and Niecy started school so they couldn't attend.
This appt went much better as we got to see the babies moving around and showing their little personalities. I think I forgot to tell you last blog that we thought the babies were in the same sac which would make them identical but this month we learned there was a separation between them. I also left out that there was a 3rd sac. Now I said 3rd sac not 3rd baby!! Okay! So we got to hear the 2 heartbeats and see both move around like little fish. Baby A is a little more active than baby B. However baby B is a little thumb sucker!! Great right! I was so excited to see them this time! They have grown so much and no longer look like little blobs. The babies actually have finger, toes, arms and legs. YAY!!!
Guess what the news around town was after this appointment. We heard that Brook heard 3 heartbeats... HAHA! Right news around Newark never changes. Always gotta be gossipin about someone. Atleast it's not bad about me just the wrong count on babies...
Not much has changed with me.. Well besided my figure say goodbye Big Star jeans hello stretchy pants and stretchy band jeans! Pictures are posted on my facebook page under umm..The Cossey's in the Making. I hope you all enjoy reading my post and looking at my pictures.
This appt went much better as we got to see the babies moving around and showing their little personalities. I think I forgot to tell you last blog that we thought the babies were in the same sac which would make them identical but this month we learned there was a separation between them. I also left out that there was a 3rd sac. Now I said 3rd sac not 3rd baby!! Okay! So we got to hear the 2 heartbeats and see both move around like little fish. Baby A is a little more active than baby B. However baby B is a little thumb sucker!! Great right! I was so excited to see them this time! They have grown so much and no longer look like little blobs. The babies actually have finger, toes, arms and legs. YAY!!!
Guess what the news around town was after this appointment. We heard that Brook heard 3 heartbeats... HAHA! Right news around Newark never changes. Always gotta be gossipin about someone. Atleast it's not bad about me just the wrong count on babies...
Not much has changed with me.. Well besided my figure say goodbye Big Star jeans hello stretchy pants and stretchy band jeans! Pictures are posted on my facebook page under umm..The Cossey's in the Making. I hope you all enjoy reading my post and looking at my pictures.
From the Beginning- Long Blog
Hello Everyone this is my first time to Blog so bare with me. This is going to more than likely be the longest blog b/c it's the history from then up to today I apologize the next ones won't be as long.
Today I am 12 Weeks 1 day or 3 months if you rather!! Woo Hoo!! Umm.. This has been a long 12 weeks. So obviously if your reading my blog your ready to hear my story... Alright here goes! In May of 2010 we decided it was time to have a baby! So no more monthly trips to get pills filled! We were trying to have a baby but not "trying" if it happened it happened. All is well during this time and the Cossey's took a family trip to Branson in November. It was November 25th to be exact. I come down with a horrible cold, so bad i actually went to the room and the rest of the family went out for supper and ice cream while I slept. Someone told me this is how I found out I was preg I come down with a horrible cold. So when we come home I took a pregnancy test and nothing. However the next couple of weeks got interesting. Brandon come down with a kidney stone a 4mm Stone. We scheduled him for litotripsy because he wasn't passing the stone and this was Dec. 15th. We went to the hospital that morning and he had the litho done to break the stones. We got home at about 11:30. He was in A LOT of pain! I couldn't give him any more medicine to get his pain under control. I told him let me go pee and then i'll call the Dr. Well... while I was in the bathroom I thought what the heck I'll take this pregnancy test and see what happens. IT WAS POSITIVE!!!! There was forsure blue and pink line!! So I slowly walk out of the bathroom in AWE... and Brandon is almost in tears with pain! I said "Honey, I think we are pregnant." His response, "ohhhh.... really... that's great...." I said are you not excited!! He said really excited I wish you could see my smile through this painful expression! Eventful Day! So I call to get an appt and they were scheduled way out. I had my first appointment January 5. We drew blood at my clinic to see just how far I was before my appointment. It showed my levels to be really high and around 3 months.
Now it's January 5th and i'm more nervous than ever!! I wasn't nervous until we got into the waiting room at Dr. Carltons Office!!!! I was sweating and just knew something was not right about this situation. Amanda who does the u/s pulled us back. Us I mean Me, Brandon, My Mom(Shannon), Mother in law(Brandy), and Sister in Law(Niecy). A room full I know. Sooo... I get up on the table and Amanda asked a few questions and the u/s begins. We are looking at the screen and my mother says I think I see Polka Dots... I said hmm.. I think we are just suppose to see polka dot... Amanda at that time said well... I have some news. My thought was I've had a miscarriage and there's nothing in there. Brandons thought was we are way further along than we thought, her words were.... There's 2 in there!!!!!!! OH MY GOD! My response was do you have a trash can i'm going to vomit!!! I started crying hysterically and couldn't quit. Brandon almost passed out if it wouldn't have been for Niecy standing behind him. He had the week knees and the sweaty palms. My mom started crying just like i did!! My mother in law however was so excited she couldn't control herself. She was jumping up and down with excitement while trying to calm me down at the same time. Niecy's reaction was the same as Brandy's. Crazy I know. So they watched the little babies move and i just cried. Didn't even want to look at the screen. I was horrified! I didn't want two babies! I only wanted one. I never expected they would say 2!
So that appointment ended with much shock! The next few days were a blur but they got better. Eventually you know how towns like to start shit, I was having 3 and the shock of 2 hadn't worn off yet.
Today I am 12 Weeks 1 day or 3 months if you rather!! Woo Hoo!! Umm.. This has been a long 12 weeks. So obviously if your reading my blog your ready to hear my story... Alright here goes! In May of 2010 we decided it was time to have a baby! So no more monthly trips to get pills filled! We were trying to have a baby but not "trying" if it happened it happened. All is well during this time and the Cossey's took a family trip to Branson in November. It was November 25th to be exact. I come down with a horrible cold, so bad i actually went to the room and the rest of the family went out for supper and ice cream while I slept. Someone told me this is how I found out I was preg I come down with a horrible cold. So when we come home I took a pregnancy test and nothing. However the next couple of weeks got interesting. Brandon come down with a kidney stone a 4mm Stone. We scheduled him for litotripsy because he wasn't passing the stone and this was Dec. 15th. We went to the hospital that morning and he had the litho done to break the stones. We got home at about 11:30. He was in A LOT of pain! I couldn't give him any more medicine to get his pain under control. I told him let me go pee and then i'll call the Dr. Well... while I was in the bathroom I thought what the heck I'll take this pregnancy test and see what happens. IT WAS POSITIVE!!!! There was forsure blue and pink line!! So I slowly walk out of the bathroom in AWE... and Brandon is almost in tears with pain! I said "Honey, I think we are pregnant." His response, "ohhhh.... really... that's great...." I said are you not excited!! He said really excited I wish you could see my smile through this painful expression! Eventful Day! So I call to get an appt and they were scheduled way out. I had my first appointment January 5. We drew blood at my clinic to see just how far I was before my appointment. It showed my levels to be really high and around 3 months.
Now it's January 5th and i'm more nervous than ever!! I wasn't nervous until we got into the waiting room at Dr. Carltons Office!!!! I was sweating and just knew something was not right about this situation. Amanda who does the u/s pulled us back. Us I mean Me, Brandon, My Mom(Shannon), Mother in law(Brandy), and Sister in Law(Niecy). A room full I know. Sooo... I get up on the table and Amanda asked a few questions and the u/s begins. We are looking at the screen and my mother says I think I see Polka Dots... I said hmm.. I think we are just suppose to see polka dot... Amanda at that time said well... I have some news. My thought was I've had a miscarriage and there's nothing in there. Brandons thought was we are way further along than we thought, her words were.... There's 2 in there!!!!!!! OH MY GOD! My response was do you have a trash can i'm going to vomit!!! I started crying hysterically and couldn't quit. Brandon almost passed out if it wouldn't have been for Niecy standing behind him. He had the week knees and the sweaty palms. My mom started crying just like i did!! My mother in law however was so excited she couldn't control herself. She was jumping up and down with excitement while trying to calm me down at the same time. Niecy's reaction was the same as Brandy's. Crazy I know. So they watched the little babies move and i just cried. Didn't even want to look at the screen. I was horrified! I didn't want two babies! I only wanted one. I never expected they would say 2!
So that appointment ended with much shock! The next few days were a blur but they got better. Eventually you know how towns like to start shit, I was having 3 and the shock of 2 hadn't worn off yet.
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